We Are The World 25 For Haiti (YouTube Edition)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

For anyone reading this who may know me, you know that I am a singer/songwriter and that I feel very passionate about the power of song and the ways in which music can change lives and move mountains. While the internet can be attributed in many ways to the downfall of the music industry as we once knew it, it can also be noted that it's given millions of people like you and me a way to put our talents out there into the world, to be seen and heard and to do our own little part to make a change in the world. Sites like MySpace and YouTube give us our platform, our stage.

As most of you also know, recently a re-envisioning of the classic charity single: "We Are The World" (written by the legendary Lionel Ritchie and Michael Jackson) was released to raise money and awareness to aid in the aftermath of the recent earthquakes in Haiti.

"We Are The World" is a touching tribute, especially to those of us who lived when it's first incarnation was released in 1985, however I know I'm not the only one who felt the 2010 remake left something to be desired. While it boasts a stellar cast of many fantastic singers, it also suffered from what I felt was a lack of heart that was so instrumental to the original and it's message.

Thankfully, artists all over the world want to lend their hearts and voices to the cause and independent Canadian singer/songwriter Lisa Lavie envisioned a re-working of this classic song featuring 57 talented online singers from across the globe. The result is the beautifully edited and performed video you see posted below this text. Less than 2 days after first appearing on YouTube, it's received nearly a quarter of a million views and it's already garnering attention from the media and even Tyra Banks has tweeted that it moved her to tears.

Check out the wonderful video below! and be sure to leave the group some feedback on the YouTube Video! For more information about donating to the cause, go to: http://wearetheworldfoundation.org


Good Tunes, Eh!? Great Canadian Music Pt. 1

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Growing up, I was always a big fan of popular music. For those of us in small town, eastern Canada, it was standard to get home from school, sit through your mom's soap operas (remember Another World anyone?) and then tune into Video Hits on CBC while she cooked you supper. If you were lucky enough to have cable, MuchMusic was also a frequent TV passtime, at least before it started sucking and they actually played music videos, similar to the decline of MTV and VH1 in the U.S.

Later, when you had gotten ready for bed you would usually spend the early part of the evening with your tape deck, antenna and blank cassettes listening to the nightly countdown or request show on your local AM radio station while you sat, phone in hand, trying to get through to request the songs you wanted with your other finger poised directly over the record button.

Damn, those were the days.

For those of you that are stateside, let me say that while about 80% of our celebrity cannon is derived from American popular culture, we do have our own history of significantly less glamorous but equally as talented and wonderful Canadian celebrities. While I'm sure many of you are thinking of Anne Murray's and Bryan Adams' (Adamses.. Adams's, Adamsii....) and I hope to bring you a glimpse of the joy that those very talented folks brought to our poor provincial lives each and everyday through this recurring segment.

For my first profile, I decided to go with an artist who unfortunately is no longer in the limelight but she brought us many infectious and wonderful pop hits in the late 80's and very early 90's. Before you click on the jump link to learn more, I have just one last thing to say to all of you: You're welcome.

(Click here to read more)


Episode 1 - Time, Love & Tenderness

It might be hard for all of you to believe, but we twenty-somethings need to break out of this adult contemporary closet. In the spirit of starting things "balls out" Heather and I thought we would reveal our very recent obsession with the master of the chick magnet mullet: the one and only Michael Bolton. Enjoy!


The Dork-A-Saurus Manifesto

- Someone who has odd interests, and is often silly at times. A dork is also someone who can be themselves and not care what anyone thinks.

We are dorks. We will not be ashamed. We will revel in our dorky interests and habits and you will like it. You might even love it. Maybe, just maybe you'll admit that you too - are a dork-a-saurus.


  • A 29 year old wannabe
  • A virgo, in case you were wondering.
  • A singer/songwriter.
  • A lover, not a fighter
  • Likes: good music, bad music, good film, bad film, Golden Girls, show tunes, television, video games, gay stuff, art/design, fashion, board games, coffee, Glee, his iPhone, puppies, love, cute guys, etc.
  • Dork. (and proud of it!)

  • (Coming Soon)
  • Dork. (and proud of it!)